School Plans for 2020-21
July 29, 2020
Dear Parents and Guardians,
I wanted to reach out to everyone and try to explain what school is going to look like this year. Obviously, this is a very chaotic time with changes occurring on almost a daily basis. I apologize for not getting this letter out sooner, but I wanted to provide you with the most accurate information possible.
First, school is currently scheduled to start on August 24, 2020. This is one week later than what was originally scheduled as a result of the Governor’s directive. I have attached a school calendar with this letter for you to review. Please understand that we have done the best with the calendar as we can given the current guidance and laws.
Secondly, at the present time, school will look very different this year given the requirements of the Arkansas Department of Education and the CDC. Our current plan is to offer both traditional in person classes, and a digital option. Parents will be given the opportunity to choose the option they feel best suits their needs, however I do wish to remain flexible and allow for changing needs. Traditional in class instruction will be provided using the CDC guidelines of appropriate social distancing and required masks. We will employ all necessary precautions in order to keep your children safe and healthy. This option may see a class or two moved to the second building in order to comply with social distancing. The digital option is a very new situation for IACS and will employ an online platform such as Google Classroom to deliver content over the internet. This content will be provided by IACS teachers through video and downloadable material. IACS is prepared to provide students with laptop computers in the event that a family needs one. Please understand that this is a very new process for all of us at the school and may have a few hiccups along the way.
Lastly, we would typically have an open house/orientation prior to the beginning of school. At the current time, events like this are still being put on hold by the Department of Education. As soon as we get approval for such an event, I will put out an all call to announce it.
Matthew Wells, Director